Water & Art

The Second Episode of Uronto took place in Nikli Upozila at Kishoreganj, Bangladesh. Nikli is a Haor area which leaves it with high water level for six months and dry for six months. Water life is a essential part of Nikli and of the people who lives there.

When the second project was designed artists participating in this project were invited to portray the water life and the relation of water life with the existences around as well as the old houses. Participants justified the facts of the circumstance and brought out the language & beauty through their own media, creativity and curiosity, As well as with natural founding material or available materials around .

So water color was a very obvious medium for many of the artists connecting the water of the area through Art. One more reasons to do the water color was that there was less to do on outdoors as the weather was very uncertain with rains.

Most of water color reflects the beautiful design and patterns of the buildings which will be soon destroyed. Few water color works are like bellow:

Title: Water & Art
Artist: Series of work by Ariful Islam, Sultan Ishtiak, & Khairul
Time and place: Second Episode of UORNTO Residential Art Exchange Program at Kishoreganj,BD. 2013.

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