Snakes in the House

When a house witnesses memories of partition, liberation war and then getting abandon and finally getting demolished, the house turns into a object. And through all these unexpected incidents the house witnesses various human like cold blooded snakes. Just like a cold blooded snake the Pakistani militaries looted the house, then once the family members shifted to capital the people living around acted like a snake again to occupy the house illegally and finally when its officially in the hand of destroyer still people act as snake to loot the last piece of assets from the house and its land.

Here Artists have symbolized those cold blooded snakes everywhere in the house from floors to stairs to all the way around the house. these snakes are always trying to poison the land and suck in the last life of the house. Artist eventually wanted to give portraits also to the snakes but later it was just kept as metaphor rather than directly hitting someone through the work.

Like many of the other art works this was also collaborated with Poem by Shahriar Shofiq.

Title: Snake sin the House
Artist: URONTO Collectives
Time and place: First Episode of UORNTO Residential Art Exchange Program at Kushtia,BD. 2013.

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