04 Feb Emotion, Anger, insult
A small series of illustration by artist Shikha Nambiar during the 9th Episode of Uronto residential art exchange program in Naogaon, BD.
This series of illustrated letters aims to artistically describe the emotions experienced by the Dubolhati Rajbari, as it writes to its erstwhile dwellers. The Rajbari, once a beautiful structure now lies in a state of extreme decay. Likening it to an ageing person, who has lost her importance and grandeur over time, has led to these emotions.
The varying feelings that are held within the crumbling walls of the palace are captured in three images. They combine the structure of the Rajbari, with local imagery and words encountered during the artist’s stay in Dubolhati. The use of the Bangla script gives a fuller context and connects strongly with the surroundings.
The emotions captured range from anger and insult – from being disrespected and left in a state of decay; confusion and despair due to its fading presence and dilapidated state and lastly, to a bittersweet concoction of longing, hope and acceptance of its fate.
Nostalgia and a sense of endearing proximity, associated with the fading practice of letter-writing, made it an ideal medium to express these emotions. As the Rajbari writes these letters, perhaps it wonders if its stories will be shared with next generations or will it fade into oblivion, once its last wall falls.

Shikha Nambiar is a passionate Illustration artist from India. Her learning background is in Art, Design and Technology. Fascinated by the history of people and places and likes to document her findings through art, mostly in a shape of Illustration and hand-written letters.
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